
Neptune CRM Location: Planner

The Planner is where you can view all of your assigned tasks. This includes all customer tasks, job tasks, and blockouts.

Types of tasks

Job Task: A task that has been assigned to a user against a Neptune Job. See the jobs documentation for more information.

Customer Task: A task that has been assigned to a user directly from within the customer card in Neptune. This is not tied into any particular job.

Blockout Task: A blockout is where you or a user might put something like a user’s annual leave or an appointment in the planner so no other work is assigned to them during that period.

Using the Planner

Hover over any task on the planner to see more information. If it is a customer task, you will the customer’s name is a link that takes you to the customer card when clicked. If it is a job task, you will see the job name is a clickable link to the job card.

hover task screenshot

You can isolate all tasks for a specific job by hovering over a job task and clicking on the eye icon. This will dim all tasks that are not linked to the same job, in effect highlighting all other tasks from this job. It will also open a sidebar to the left of the planner showing the job details and listing all linked tasks. If you hover over one of the tasks in the sidebar, you will see a pencil icon appear. Click on this pencil to open the task if you need to edit it. Click the X button on the top right of the sidebar to close it and exit isolate mode.

isolating job tasks screenshot

planner sidebar screenshot

Each user can select their own accent colour from either their user profile page or from within the mobile app.

Filter the planner by different users by selecting their names from the dropdown on the top right. Your name will always be the first one shown.

The planner is in Week mode by default, however you can select between Day, Week and Month using the switch at the top right of the screen.

Week mode will show a full 7 day period, from the Sunday to the Saturday. Click on the date picker to select any date, or press the blue arrows right or left to move 7 days forward or backward. There is also a Today button that you click at any time to reset the planner to include today’s date.

date picker screenshot

Creating a task

You can create a new task from within the planner simply by clicking on an available square. This will open a drawer with a task form. The task will already have the date or time you selected, as well as the User’s tile you clicked on. From here you can control all the task details.

add task from planner screenshot

If you de-select the All day checkbox, you will see that you have the option to select specific start and end times, instead of just start date and end date.

Title is required. This is the the name of the task. You can add an optional Description in the next field for further information.

As mentioned, the user is automatically assigned if you’re creating a new task from the planner, however you are able to assign a task to multiple users, if required. Click on the User(s) dropdown to view all users, and select as many as you want. This essentially duplicates this task for each user you have selected.

Type is where you select whether it’s a Job, Customer or Blockout task. See above for a description of each. If you select Type: Job, you will see a couple of new fields appear.

The Job field is a search field, you can start typing the job name, customer name, build address or job ID to find a job, and then select it to assign this task to that job. The Start Form and End Form fields are where you can assign one of your custom forms to be completed when the user either starts or completes the task. See the documentation on Custom Forms for more information.

Selecting Type: Customer will bring up a Customer search field. You can search for a customer using their name, address, phone number or email address. You may also assign Start and End Forms to a customer task. A Blockout task is explained up the top and no additional fields show up when Type: Blockout is selected.

Press Save to save this new job. The form will close and the task will show up on the planner.

Editing a task

There are a few different ways to edit a task in the Planner. If you hover over a task, you will see a popover with more details. Inside this popover toward the bottom, there is an Edit button. Click on this button to open the task in a drawer where you can make changes.

You can also drag and drop the task item within the planner. Hover over the task item and you will see drag handles on the sides of the task item. Click and drag one of these handles to resize the task, effectively changing the start of end date/time. This will open the task drawer with the new times, you will need to click Save to lock in these changes. Click the entire task to drag it forward or backward, changing both the start and end at the same time. For example, if you want to drag a task to the next day, just click and drag it horizantally to the next tile. Finally, you can also assign a task to a different user by clicking and dragging it vertically into a tile for another user. Again, this will open the task drawer with the new details, at which point you’ll need to save the changes.